Ronny Whyte: Whyte Withcraft 

Confident and classy vocalist Ronny Whyte interprets the Cy Coleman songbook, both famous and obscure in a variety of settings. The Rat Packy Big Band, with arrangements by Cecilia Coleman gives bold support for Whyte’s confident gait on”Too Good To Talk About” and the sweet “Sometime When You’re Lonely.” Drummer Tony Tedesco teams with accordion master Eddie Monteiro for a wild vocalese on “The Best Is Yet To Come” and a festive “I’m In Love Again.” Whyte himself plays piano with Boots Maleson on bass and drummer David Silliman for a suave “You Fascinate Me” and a Nat Cole-ish “Here I Go Again.” Through each environ, Whyte sounds relaxed and conversant, giving a street corner intro to “It Amazes Me” and pointing the index finger during “I’ve Got Your Number.” Vegas without the glitz.

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