Ineke Vandoorn & Marc Van Vugt: Crossing Canada Live

The Dutch pair Ineke Vandoorn and Marc Van Vugt took a five week trek through Canada to explore its natural wonders, with the music from this concert album being its postcard. Recorded at The Bassment in Saskatoon and at The Jazz Room in Waterloo back in 2018, the intimate collection of originals feature Ineke’s misty voice teamed mostly with Van Vugt’s pastoral guitar, as on the pastoral “Dawn” or in a more folksy troubadour mood on “Liefde” and “Let It Wait.” Vandoorn accompanies herself on piano on a poetic “Holysloot” and a flexible Joni Mitchell-inspired “Blues For A Voice” includes drums to give it the jazziest feel of the set. Lovely spaciousness of strings are coaxed by Van Vugt during his solo “Sunny Side Up” and wordless lilts are impressionistic on “ Bali Rain” as both get into a fun bopping mood for “Isaya.” Relaxed atmospheres.

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