Chris Potter: The Sirens

Chris Potter is by far one of the most adroit tenor sax players around these days. In LA alone, within last few months he’s had gigs as a sideman with Pat Metheny and the Monterey Jazz All Stars, and he led his own team at a local gig this spring in support of this album. He fits in well as either the front man or a supporting member, with his rich tone and endless supply of ideas filling the stage.

This latest release has him with Craig Taborn/p, David Virelles/p-key, Larry Grenadier/b and Eric Harland/dr through a collection of originals that are based on one of THE originals, Homer’s “The Odyssey.” The delivery on Hellenistic topics  is absolutely superb, and each of these guys has a masterful control of his artistic instrument. Potter focuses on tenor, but also indulges in a warm and embracing bass clarinet on the ballad title track and a glowing soprano on the genteel “Penelope” and whimsical “Nausikaa.”  The only weak link here is in the writing, as some of these songs have melodies and themes that don’t stay with you afterwards and don’t serve as an accessible springboard in which to follow the solos. It’s possible that “Kalypso” is a decomposition of “I Got Rhythm” but that’s about it as far as following along. The slower pieces create some reflective and dreamy moods, and everyone solos with a  ferocity that is inspiring. . I just wish the man on the “odos” could hum it after leaving the jazz club.

ECM Records

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