You’re not going to believe your ears on this one, but the band Beat Funktion is actually from Sweden. Daniel Lantz/key-comp, Karl Olandersson/tp, Olle Thunstrom/ts, Johan Oijen/g, Paul Johnson/b, Jon Eriksson/dr, Ola Bothzen/perc and the gospel choir Afro team up with a selection of guest vocalists to sound like the house band for ’70s era Soul Train right before disco took over. Their Afro Sheen instrumentals include some wacka-wooka guitars on the hip grooved “”Stempunch” and the funky soul with wailing solos on ”Jack the Ripper “ while Thunstrom’s tenor is deliciously warm on the ballad “Lorlei.” Alicia Olatja brings some 60s on the uptempo “In Love In Vain” while AFRO teams up with Viktoria on a synth and sax dance marathon for “Tomorrow.” “Green Man” takes you to Funky Town with Deodato Siquir and AFRO wile a Motown groove with deep voiced Claes Janson gets to work on “Rewind.” Put on your dancing shoes and wide lapels for this one!