Colin Cannon: Intermission (Farewell)

This album by composer/guitarist Colin Cannon is more of a journey than a collection of songs. The fourteen “pieces” include a two part suite of five songs each, an intermission and three “Recollections” as post scripts. The core team of Cannon with Manami Morit/p-key, Tom Hartman/dr and Zak Croxall/b is augmented by various strings, voices, horns and vibes different combinations. Sometimes you get sublime reflection, other times Cannon and company rock pretty hard with electric drive. Audio samples are included as on the catchy and kitschy “Intermission” while the vocals from Devein Canon, Brik Olson, Madison Straton and Alex Mitchell have an indie rock feel; subdued and reflective. The pieces like “Everyday” and “Mofo” weave in and out like audio dreams, while you feel like you’re being taken to various booths at the local sonic carnival. Very personal in approach and delivery.

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