Oatmeal Jazz Combo: Instant Oats

The Oatmeal Jazz Combo is a mix and match team of Jonathan Saraga/tp, Kenjiro Miyagishi/g, steven Carrington/reeds, Andrew McGowan/p, James Hubbard/tb, Tristan Eggener/b, Leon Foster Thomas/steel pan and lead by Leander Young/dr. Like its name, the band mixes ingredients to the basic bowl, sometimes taking it straight and other times including nuts, raisins and cinnamon to create a full meal.

The album opens with a lovely sparse read of Tom Jobim’s “Look To The Sky” with Hubbard’s trombone evoking warm moods, while Eggener’s bass produces a calypso for Thomas’ steel pan on the lithe “Show Cat Valley.” McGowan is elegant as he gets the spotlight on an elegant “Fel Like Makin’ Love” and Carrington’s tenor is warm on the easy swing of ”Spikey.” A warm sonatoon “Duet” has Saraga teamed up with the pianist, making the album wax and wane in moods and drive. Flavorful, filling and nutritious!!

LGY Records


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