88 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR LOVER…Various Artists: Piano in the House, Hans Ludemann: Das Reale Klavier

Here are a couple ways to present the pianoforte.

The label Adventure Music usually releases South American music that focuses on a single artist or group. On this latest release, twelve of Brazil’s most important pianists deliver solo performances “live” from 2014. The variety of moods is impressive, ranging from joyful prances by Amilton Godoy on “Odeo” to reflecting reminiscences by “Benjamin Taubkin on “Caipira.” Karin Fernandes sounds outright Gershwinlike on “Valsa Da Dor” and a dash of Rachmaninoff is felt on the melancholic “Caico” by Julia Tygel. Heloisa Fernandes delivers a wide range of passions from joy to agony on the 12 minute opus “Voo” with a wide ranging journey that is, above all, LATIN!

Meanwhile, back in Dusseldorf, Germany, Hans Ludemann plays piano and “virtual piano” on nine originals. He’s got a classical touch, and mixes thoughtful and complex pieces like “Praludium 1” that have a very modern appeal, whiel flights of Satie jumps up on the flying fingers of “Spring Rites.” Strings are strummed to create a rumbling groove on “Praludium 2” while bluesy hues create hues on “Rollende Steine” and the easy cantor of “Blaue Kreise.” Modern and moving.

Adventure Music


BMC Records


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