YOUR BLUE ROOTS ARE SHOWING… Chad Rupp and the Sugar Roots: Gate C23, Mile Marker Zero: Coming Of Age, Dick Earl’s Electric Witness: Get Up Off The Ground, Slaw: Here I Come

Modern vintage…

Guitarist and singer Chad Rupp stomps out an album of mostly originals with Ken Brewer/org, Brady Goss/p, Jimi Bott/dr and Timmer Blakley/b. There’s a STAXY feel to bluesers like “She Is The One” and the title tune, and the team two steps the boogie on “14 Dollars In The Bank”. The band stomps a swampy “Fresh Suits” and strolls through “ Do Whatcha Daddy Say” with some tasty guitar licks on “Two Inches Shy Of A Foot” and the shuffling “Blind, Crippled And Crazy”. Road kill.

Consisting of Dave Alley/voc-g-key, Doug Alley/dr Mark Focarile/key, Jaco Lindito/b-perc, and John Tuohy/g, Mile Marker Zero plays advanced rock that gives hints of Genesis circa Lamb Lies Down On Broadway. The team rocks hard on the tricky “Best Is Yet To Come” and the synthy expression of “A Place in Time” while the edgy voice effects add experimentation to “Towns To Grow Up In” and  “Coming Of Age”. There’s a dash of Billy Joel on “Heavy Days” as well, with some  progressive flavors on “Bizarre”. Clever rock formations.

Dick Earl Erickson sings, plays banjo, guitar harmonica and even jaw harp on a rollicking album with Isaac Erickson/b, Thomas Anderson/g-perc, Matt Green/key and a guest  horn section for an album of originals. His harmonica blows a South Chicago wind on “Eggs” with some dark and ominous storm clouds hanging low on “Get Up Off The Ground”. The team chicka booms on “I Hear You Calling” and rocks hard on “Black Lines and White Crosses” with some rich stories served as on “Wishin’”. Blue in earth tones.

More rural are the sounds from Georgia born Scott (Slaw) Colson, who gets folksy on this album. There’s a Burl Ives feel to pieces like “Best Of Me” and the picker “Don’t Go Down That Road” , while you feel you’re around the campfire on “When It’s Done” or the dramatic “Can  You Hear Me Call”. Pull up a log and listen.

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