Guitarist Steve Bryant, better known as “Red 123” is a six string voice that begs to be heard for those inspired by the sounds of Pat Metheny. He’s got that same sense of traditional melodicism teamed with a modern and forward looking dynamic on this album where he mixes and matches with Digba Ogunbiyi/p, Tom Cottone-Chris Parades/dr, Cody McCorry/b, David Anthony/perc, Jeff Levine/org and Rob Tanico/synth.
When plugged in, Bryant delivers clean and clever lines with Ogunbiyi on the upbeat “ New Town” while digging in on the urgent post bopping “Tom’s Blues”. Tanico’s synth work adds to the rich atmosphere of the steady pulsed “A Change For Cody” and the full band grooves well on “Shuffle 96”. On the acoustic side, there’s a longing and shaded read of “Witchita Lineman” and a glorious “ T Wonders” that is panoramic in beauty, with “There Will Be A Day” homespun and rural. Strong ideas-when’s this guy hitting the road?