Dan Roman: DVXNS String Quartet No. 3

Composer Dan Roman brings together the Cuarteto Latinoamericano (Saul Bitran/vi, Aron Bitran/vi, Javier Montiel/va and Alvaro Bitran/cel) for an inspired deviation from the usual “theme and variations”. What Roman does is take a three movement suite, and have the quartet re-play the entire piece again, yet with the payers allowed to choose the order of which the progressions will take. What could have turned into a Neopolitan traffic jam turns into a glorious mosaic of melodies, harmonies and themes. The original piece has exciting dramatic movements a la Elmer Bernstein, while the “Reverso” is cogent and clever, with the “Directo + Riverso” having the string veer around like pedestrians scurrying through the sidewalks to their destination. Fascinating rhythms.


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