Brad Shepik Human Activity: Dream of the Possible

Brad Shepik mixes Mediterranean folk idea with Pat Methenyeque melodies on this exciting and fresh sounding album. He plays a lyrical guitar most of the time, but throws in the saz, banjo and Bulgarian tambura (a kind of bouzouki) into the mix, with Adriatic themes added by Layale Chaker/vi, Amino Belyamani/p, Sam Minaie/b and John Hadfield/dr-perc. There’s an exciting exotic gallop with the guitar and violin on the driving “Code Red” with hints of Cycladic folk themes on “Still Heat” and the earthy folksiness of “Symbiocity”. Belyamani’s piano gives some fluid charm on the cantering “The Search” with some rich bass leading into “Naturitude” with a gentle fusion of tricky dance forms and exciting soloing throughout, as on “Travel Back”. An Olympian fete!

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