****RINGER OF THE WEEK****Ludovica Burtone: Sparks

You want some swinging strings? Take a look at violinist Ludovica Burtone, who forms a two violin front with Fung Chern Hwei, brings in viola-ist Leonor Falcon Pasquali, cellist Mariel Roberts for a front line along with Marta Sanchez/p, Matt Aronoff/b and Nathan Ellman-Bell/dr for a rich collection of gracefully bopping originals. The strings are warm and festive on “Blazing Sun” , with romance on the rise with folksy percussion from Rogerio Boccato and guitarist Leandro Pellegrino on “Sinha”. Sami Stevens adds ethereal voice to a dreamy “Altrove” and tenor sax sensation Melissa Aldana is belcanto on the cadencing “Awakeing”. Stately chamber sounds yean on “Steluties’ and Sanchez is graceful on a pastoral “Incontri”. I want to see this band live!!!

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