EARTH TONES…Glen Whitehead: Pale Blue

Glen Whitehead mixes sounds of instruments like that of the trumpet with “field recordings” and “earth music”, essentially the music of nature, treated through various processes in order to form a holistic sound scape of aural colors. His horn is actually kind of Miles Davisy with ambient support on “Pale Blue” while the trumpet goes into effects with the mouthpiece with what appears to be seagulls during “ Dawn of the Din”. Ocean form surrounds the horn on “Dreaming at a Distance” and watter ripples and effects rustle with Mert Gunal playing the ney on “Wilderness of Mirrors”. Some squawks screech ot around Dr. Colin McAllister’s guitars durlin g”Pila del Angel” whiel h ectic electronics working through the pleading brass of “M(aias)aura”. Did the earth charge union scale for their contribution?

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