Yola Nash: Touched By Love

Gotta admit-the cover of this album scared me a bit, as singer/songwriter Yola Nash looks like she’s looking for trouble.She won me over with the music and voice, however, as she’s teamed with Edsel Gomez/p-arr, Alex Meixner/acc, Dr. Graham Keir/g, Luisito Quintero/perc and Dave Baron/b for a collection of originals by the bandmates.

Nash’s voice is a mix of wispy seduction and folksy slink, seducing you on the seductive bohemia of “Lies and Wishes” and upbeat on the samba of  “Ready For Love”. Most appealing are the romantic tangos, as she sashays across the floor with Meixner on “Dance With Me” and sits back with you in a smoky lounge of “Forbidden Love”. She also shows she can dress up well, closing things out in a pretty “Lololove Me” that mixes subtle jazz pulses with her fingers twirling around your scalp. Lots to like!


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