Mathis Sound Orchestra: World Unity

No, this is not a band that does versions of  “Chances Are” or “Misty”, but the Mathis Sound Orchestra is an 11 piece band lead by keyboardist/composer/producer Mathis Picard (anyone want to do a Star Trek reference?), and the five tunes here are a nice mix of spacey explorations and rhythmic pulses. There’s a mix of soul and synth  and the sleek title track with a dash of disco lead by trumpeters Giveton Gelin and Benny Benach II on “Glitter Eyes”. Pikard’s piano creates rich ripples before the reeds gallop on PJanoo” while “Rite Of Passage” could easily pass for a vintage Stevie Wonder piece, mixing rhythmic grooves with some searing synth. Exciting and fresh.

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