Sirkis/Bialas IQ: Our New Earth

This two disc by leaders Asaf Sirkis and Sylwia Bialas is an ambitious affair dedicated to our planet, in two sections, a collection of rich singular tunes  and a six part suite “Our New Earth”.

Sirkis plays drums, various exotic Asian/Indian percussions and even adds a dash of vocal Konnokal whle teaming with Bialas’ lushly nasal intonations along with waterphone and joining in on the vocal percussion. Frank Harrison plays piano and keyboards, Devin Glasgow is on six string electric bass and all mix and match moods with cinemascopic dramy swooping with voices, keyboards and sitar sounds on “If Pegasus Had One Wing” or the meditative “Land of Oblivion” Drums and voice ooh and ahh for the dramatic “Letter To A” and space effects build up on “Reminiscence.”

The “Earth Suite” mixes dreamy and floating voices and keyboards on “Our New Earth” and the pastoral Nocturne” with driving and dramatic drums swirling on ‘Sppoky Action At A Distance.” The skies open up to rich harmonies on the wondrous mix of  percussion and voice for “Picture From A  Polish Wood” with all of the pieces sewn together like a rich tapestry. Marvelous moments and moods, like taking in different vistas on a long trek.

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