For the past number of years, I have been doing medical mission trips over to Ethiopia. Most of us aren’t familiar with the country, so this month’s editorial will serve as an incentive as to the many reasons that you should take a journey over there and experience a  part of “real” Africa.

  • Ethiopia (technically known as The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) is one of the only, if not the only, African country not to have been colonized. Oh, the Italians sure gave it a go, and at least they left some good cooking recipes here, as the pasta and pizza is not bad at all. But because they were left alone, they have their own unique way of being inefficient, completely uninfluenced by the French, British, German or Belgian.
  • The Bible states that the Queen of Sheba came from Ethiopia and she visited king Solomon. She was so “impressed” by him that she gave him many gifts and she ended up coming home to deliver a baby that started the Jewish race in Africa. After a few thousand years, they had a major exodus to Israel in 1980, but the Jewish influence still remains in Ethiopia, as they are a family based country instead of the usual tribal based.
  • The famous Blue Nile originates from Lake Tana in Ethiopia and provides the hyrdro electric power for the country as well as the force of the water and silt for the rest of the ride down to Khartoum and the its end at the delta in Egypt.
  • Coffee originated from this country, and it is still the world’s best tasting
  • Haile Selassie was their Emperor , but he was also considered the Black Messiah and the inspiration for the entire Rastafarian religious movement, which gave us reggae.
  • Coptic Christianity-It’s the African version of the Orthodox church, and it also has its own unique feel and art work
  • The Calendar, and time itself-Ethiopia goes on a whole different calendar system than the rest of the world. They are 8 years and 9 days different, so March 10, 2020 is actually March 1, 2012 in Ethiopia. Not only that, but they still set their clocks to the sunrise, so our 9 am is their 3 am. Go figure!!!
  • Tradition says that, contrary to Indiana Jones, the Ark of the Covenant is still around, and is secretly stored in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Axum. Can you go see it? How much can the priest be bribed in order to confirm this?
  • The famous bones of “Lucy”, who is purported to be an evolutionary “transitional”, is in the Historical museum in Addis Ababa. I’ve seen them, and it takes A LOT of imagination to believe this. Still, the bones are not exactly from Tombstone, Arizona.
  • Teff-if you are gluten free, this grain is used to make a spongy alternative called injera, which is used essentially only It’s fantastic for scooping up the wonderful local eating pleasures.


  • Lalibela-built in the 12th and 13th Centuries, these churches are completely carved out of rock. It is a truly other worldly experience, and inspiring to see what dedicated people are able to create with hands and faith
  • Of course, this country has fantastic local music, as well as swinging jazz!

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