Larry Bernstein/Larry Goldings/Bill Stewart Trio @ Dazzle Jazz Club 01.23.20

The team of guitarist Larry Bernstein, B3er Larry Goldings and drummer Bill Stewart showed the packed Dazzle jazz club that there are major benefits to long term relationships. These three gents have been recording and performing together for three decades, and their ability to communicate with each other with a nod or a wink, or anticipate what someone is going to say can only be achieved by years of sharing music and ideas over the long haul. The rewards were in evident throughout the 75 minute set.

The trio mostly thrilled the audiences with their own material, but in the context of a live performance, the symbiotic relationships took each song through various segues and explorations. Bernstein’s “Just A Thought” started with an easy bluesy strut, mixing melody and heat while Stewart’s nifty cymbal work flowed with a swing that was loose and fluid, laying down a sleek foundation for Goldstein’s deep Hammond hummings.

The keyboardist then went into some extra-terrestial space effects as he introduced his own “Mr. Meagles” with Stewart adroitly combining drive and intuitive musicality  through his teammates’ creative chordal extrapolations. Stewart gave a crisp drum clinic as he solo’d the introduction to his bebopping “United” with his sticks riding the whip for guitar and keyboards to gallop like stallions to a climax of musical thunder.

Goldings’ sighing Hammond teamed with Bernstein’s coy and cozy strings for a tasty and lyrical take of the standard “Just A Gigolo” with suave brushes gliding across the theme like Fred Astaire. A simmering high hat sizzled into overdrive as Stewart changed dynamics and paces as he alternatively relaxed and pulled in the reigns like a chariot rider in Ben-Hur to a swinging “The Acrobat” with visceral and resonant cries from the Leslie’s and nifty guitar lines allowing the song to race to a photo finish.

The musical  give and take between these three showed why each artist is a “first call” studio artist, as well as a reason why they always keep coming back to each other, as all friends joyfully do.


By the way-this was my first visit to Denver’s Dazzle jazz club, and it is quite impressive, far and above most LA places. First, they have a brilliant “3 tier” system of prices, so even the poorest jazz fan can get a seat in the back instead of paying the same price as someone in the front few rows. Also, the sound is fantastic with sweet spots all around, and the background is a relaxing dark blue instead of that eye gouging red that so many LA places have. Lastly, the food is first rate, not expensive and the atmosphere is totally hip, with the audience being respectively quiet during the performance but appreciating the solos and tunes. Lastly, they have a cool section of vinyl albums for sale, making this a place you want to check out even between sets. Even better, the gig started ON TIME! Is anyone in LA paying attention?!? Can’t wait to come back!


Upcoming shows at Dazzle include Fred Hersch 01/28-29 and Steve Gad 02/04-05

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