Juliet Kurtzman & Pete Malinverni: Candlelight-Love in the Time of Cholera

Here’s a rich collection of sonatas by violinist Juliet Kurtzman and pianist Pete Malinverni that take music from The Americas and present it in a wondrous parlor format. The bonus here is that they take a number of tunes from early jazz pioneer Bix Beiderbecke and give wonderful modern reads. “In A Mist” is less impressionistic than the original solo piano format, with a longing upbeat sway by Kurtzman, while “Candlelights” and “Davenport Blues” display an Old World charm, whereas “In The Dark” becomes a sensuous tango. “Body and Soul” is elegiac, and Scott Joplin’s “Solace” has Malinverni’s fingers spreading widely for this dashing minuet. The pianist’s own title track is filled with longing tones, his “Pulcinella” is a luscious tango, fitting well with Gardel’s Argentine “Por Una Cabeza.” Evocations of a continent and its musical world view.


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