Rich Willey’s Boptism Funk Band: Conspiracy

The joint is jumpin’ on this foot stomping session lead by trumpeter Rich Willey and a BBQ ribbed collection of musicians hummed along by Bobby Floyd’s Hammond B3, steered by Dave Stryker’s guitar, gassed up by the high octane rhythm section of Byron Landham/dr, Mike Boone/b, Wally Minko/key and garnished with the dry rubbed horn section of Willey with David Mann/ts-ss, Tom Evans/woodwinds, John Swana/tb-ewi and Dan Fornero/tp-fh.

The brass punches like Joe Frazier  on “Clip Clop Mogul” with smoky solos by Willey and Floyd. The band cruises like a 57 Chevy as Stryker sears through “Blessed Are The Hip” with sweet soul’d sounds by Stryker and Swana on the EVI on “Goofin’ Off.” Get down blues are brimming over like a root beer Fizzie on pieces like “Blues For Bobby”, “Adrenaline Rush” and “Eenie Meanie Beanie Weeny” with Willey even delivering some growling lyrics. These guys could make a basketball sweat!

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