Ron Davis: Symphronica Upfront

Pianist and composer Ron Davis mixes jazz and modern strings on this rich and textured album. The “jazz” section includes Kevein Barrett/g-mand, Mike Downes/b, Steve Heathcoate/dr and a four  piece string section as well as vocals by Daniela Nardi.

The stately strings are warm for the classy “Drew Bourree” and team with percussion as they glide to Davis’ piano during “La Cote d’Or.” Swirling sounds create a windstorm for Barrett’s guitar on “Whirlycurl” and the pizzicato’d pickings are cool on “Sashagraha.” Nardi is warm and luminous on the serenade of “Nina” and his percussion clip clops to the sizzling undertow of “ Chance.” A take of Miles Davis’ “So What” is a treat, with electric bass, keyboards and guitar melding with the strings in an irresistible interpretation , while the closing take of the cartoon classic “Popeye” is an absolute hoot. Creative and adventurous, and with a gleam in the eye.


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