Christopher Rocher-Joe Fonda-Harvey Sorgen: New Origin

The trio of bassist Joe Fonda, drummer Harvey Sorgen and clarinetist Christopher Rocher give a tribute to the spirit of kindred fellow reed man Perry Robinson on this twelve tuned album. Rocher switches between bass clarinet and straight soprano and the tunes are a wide range of colors. The rhythm team is  playful for Rocher’s lower toned clarinet on “Read This” while Rocher jabs with Fonda on “Surely Attended” and gets dark into subtones along with Fonda’s bowed bass during  “For Perry.” On the straight tic, Sorgen and Fonda create nimble work for Rocher’s pops on “African Roll Mops” while they rumble on the mix of sweet sounds and mouthpiece drools on “Berceuse” and create a spacey atmosphere with brooding bow on “Me.” The team stretches out most on the 11 minute “Song For My Mother” which has Rocher squawking and crying , and some klezmer tones ramble on for Ornette Coleman’s “Broken Shadows.” Free, loose and heartfelt.

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