The Yellowjackets with Luciana Souza@Vibrato Grill 07.16.19

“This is what democracy should look like”

The opening remark by co-leader Bob Mintzer reflected the reason that the venerable Yellowjackets are still able to sound fresh and vibrant after almost 40 years together as a team. As he and founder Russell Ferrante demonstrated in their most recent carnation at the packed Vibrato Grill with drummer Will Kennedy and 6 string bassist Dane Anderson, allowing each member to contribute to the sonic vision of a musical entity leads to creativity and loyalty, both within the band and with the listening audience.

It’s not many groups that can stay together longer than most LA marriages and still come up with fresh and exciting ideas? Mixing material from their latest album with vintage material, the quartet sounded upbeat and tighter than Kim Kardashian’s leggings as Kennedy provided crisp stickwork on the upbeat “Downtown”, Anderson provided a hip bass line on his own kinetic composition “Brotherly” and Mintzer plugged in his EWI for a funky tribute to Miles Davis on the fun backbeat of “Dewey.”

Bringing the mood to an even higher level, vocalist Luciana Souza came on stage to bring the extra dimension that made their recent release Raising Our Voice such an exquisite treat. With Ferrante’s melodic support on piano, Souza wordless vocals and Mintzer’s warm tenor melded together for a lovely “Everyone Else Is Taken” and a dreamy “Timeline” that had Souza providing vocal percussion and pastoral voicings to the hopeful theme.  The genteel “Quiet” was a mix of soft melancholia and Givenchy impressionism with brush strokes provided by Mintzer’s breathy tenor and Souza’s elliptical tones, while the rhythm team dug into a deep rivulet on Souza’s bouncy and bluesy “At The Fair” with Kennedy and Anderson providing ricochets of celebration to the composer’s buoyant voicings.

Closing things out, Ferrante opened up the hymnal, Anderson passed the plate, Kennedy served in the deacons board and MIntzer  preached from the pulpit on the gospel grooved instrumental  “Even Song,” before Souza came back to the fore to meld with Mintzer’s EWI for a warm sunrise portrait of “Clara’s Song” and a majestically melodic “Capetown.” After nearly 2 score years together, the Yellowjackets, teamed with the lovely Ms. Souza, show that they can still put the fuse back into fusion.

Upcoming shows at Vibrato Grill include Deana Martin 07/23-25, Robert Kyle 07/27, Calabria Foti 08/07 and Gordon Goodwin Little Phat Band 08/11

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