Santana: Africa Speaks

While having nothing to prove or seeking no new worlds to conquer, Carlos Santana is nevertheless in a renaissance of late. His playing has never been better, and his present team that includes wife Cindy Blackman Santana on drums along with a core team of Benny Rietveld/b, David K. Mathews/key, Karl Perazzo/perc and particularly the earth toned vocalist Buika make for fascinating atmospheres.

This latest album explores various African atmospheres, with Carlos himself giving a narration to open things up on the almost folk ritual feel of voice and guitar on the rubato’d title track. The tribal percussion sizzles along with some searing guitar and festive organ on “Batonga” and “Paraisos Quemados” while  the passionate blueser “Yo Me Lo Merezco” highlights Buika’s passionate vocals along with a volcanic guitar climax.

A lovely jazzy feel with piano and guitar set the stage for Buika on the clay-toned “Blue Skies” and a soul groove is irresistible on “Bembele.” Even a dash of Bollywood beat is a fun and danceable “Los Invisibles” and the infectious “Luna Hechicera” has some wonderful lead work by Santana. Upbeat, exciting, and with a world encompassing acceptance of sounds. Marvelous-Oye Como Va!

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