Adam Holt: Kind of Blues

Adam Holt is a bit of a throwback, playing 70s styled bluesy rock not unlike BW Stevenson, muscular and musical. He’s got a rough and ready voice, using well with his team of Owen Finley/b, Greg Deluca/dr, Donnie Sundal/org-p, Lee Yankie/slg, Mark Welborn/psg and Pierre Robinson/b while he plays both electric and acoustic guitars.

He shows a fun sense of humor mixing radio dj voices on the umping “Mr. Morning Drive” and has a twinkle in his eye on the boogalooing “Give The Dog A Bone.” Some folksy moods have a VFW feel on the western “I’m Still Holding On” and he walks a Nashville skyline with some nice pedal steel on Bob Dylan’s “Lay Lady Lay.” The rest of the album is vintage melodic rockers like “Don’t Give Up On Me Baby” and the chiming “The Bourgeoisie” except for the harrowing church organ dominated “Bobby” that has Holt tell a stark story. Timeless in concept and attitude.

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