Ben Wendel: The Seasons

No, it isn’t an interpretation of Vivaldi; instead Ben Wendel goes through each month of the year for 12 (duh!) songs and moods. He plays both sax and bassoon this time around, creating a strong chamber mood with Aaron Parks/p, Gilad Hekselman/g, Matt Brewer/b and Eric Harland. Weather conditions range from the flowing and breezy post bop “January” to some splashes of rain from Parks’ piano andon “February” and late winter water ripples from Harland’s brush on “March.” The spring optimisim of a clippety clopping “May” includes Helselman’s chiming guitar and glistening in the sun “July” leads to a thoughtful and dreamy “August.” Puffy clouds from Wendel get things gruffy as fall sets in on “September” with some effects with electronics create dots and dashes as the leaves fall in “October.” A bluesy “November” leads to a cold and icy tundra with echoes off of the lake on “December.” Wendel makes the year go by quickly.

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