Emily Hay & Steuart Liebig Duo: Nomads

This collection of seven improvisations fin Emily Hay on flute, electronics and vocals as she does a series of spontaneous duets with Steuart Liebig on bass and electronics. The recordings are done in various parts of CA, Utah and NY from 2015-16. The songs range from a quick minute and a half “Santa Ana Noise Festival” to just under 20 minutes on “NorCal Noise Festival.” Two noise festivals?!?

Fluffy flutes and probing basses take up “Santa Ana Noise Festivall” with plenty of whistling and electronic noodles on “Saint Marks.” Oohs and Ahs mix with picked bass notes on “Shapeshifter Lab 02”with guttural sounds from humans and beyond on “VU Symposium 02.” The prettiest piece “Shapeshifter Lab 01” has dainty woodwind and static pulse, while much of the time there is ideas that seem to pop in the mind subliminally. If there is sheet music for this, please get me a copy!


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