Emiliano Deferrari: Monty

Every country has a pop culture that includes singer songwriters. For every Billy Joel in the US, for example, Italy has had artists like Lucca Dalla. This album by Emilaino Deferrari, in which he composes, sings and plays a myriad of instruments, is a continuation of the tradition.

The album is bookended by a pair of instrumentals that are filled with electronic nuances and moods. From there, Deferrari plays piano, bass and drums to intimate pieces like the trudging “Essere,” or with keyboards is artsy in support with strings on “Ecco.” Elegaic material such as “Vuoto” includes sax and programming and there’s even a multi-tracked choir supported by synth pulse on “Get it Right.” Unpretentious and personal, even if you don’t speak the language the artsy mood simmers through like the sauce of Monday’s gnocci.


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