GIG: Brave New World

The team GIG, consisting of Randy Goodrum/voc-B3, Dave Innis/p-prog and Bruce Gaitsch/g-prog (get the name?) teams up with George Hawkins-Tim Denbo/b, Keith Carlock-Dan Needham-Doug Yowell/dr, Charlie McCoy/harp and Warren Wiebe-Janey Clewer/voc for a collection of folksy originals. The mood veers between the reflective pop rock Billy Joel as on “Hernando’s Paradise” with a bit more parlor mood of Kenny Rankin during “The Box.” Folksy moods team with the Hammond on the earnet “Private O’Toole” with stories told by the campfire on “Waiting.” The team shows how to rock on the rolling “Little Frame” and the shadowy “Ramblin’ Dan” while the closing “All I’ll Ever Need” makes one feel as if you’re catching up on an outtake from Blonde on Blonde. As far as the messages, there is plenty of searching for meaning in life, with feet firmly planted in the air.

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