The Richard Shulman Group: Turned to Lemonade

I’m not sure what was so sour about the origins of this album, but pianist Richard Shulman along with Jacob Rodriguez/ts-ss, Zak Page/b and Rick Dilling/dr create a sweet and refreshing collection of originals on this mainstream mix of melodies. Rodribuez’s tenor is soft and fluffy along with the leader’s pretty piano on the gently grooving pieces such as “Atmosphere” with Dilling coaxing things along gracefully on “I Claim My Way” and bopping well on “In Between the Blue and Green.” With soprano sax in the lead, the team is peppy during “Sunny Samba” with Shulman and Page going soft and delicate on “It’s All Inside.” Vocalist Wendy  Jones creates a Gaellic mood on a lovely “The Gifts You Gave to Me” with wordless wonderment teaming with rich and thrilling piano work on the opus “Homage to Pharoah” while soft and reflective during “Finding Peace.” A closing “Nostalgia” is a rich sonata between Rodriguez and Shulman, making one wish for more of this intimate conversation. Rewarding returns.

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