Mark Winkler & Cherly Bentyne (or is it Cheryl Bentyne & Mark Winkler?): Eastern Standard Time

It’s rare to have a male/female vocal combo anymore, and even rarer to have one as good as the team of Cheryl Bentyne and Mark Winkler. They’ve been putting out great material on their own and together in album and concert form, with this latest one being as perfect an example of the joyful breeze of jazz interplay as you could hope for. Both have an incessant swing and taste in delivery, comfy rapport and a selection of material that makes you want to join in on their party.

The mix and match with a core team of Rich Eames/p, Gabe Davis/b, Dave Tull/dr, Grant Geissman-Pat Kelley/g, Bob Sheppard/sax, Kevin Winard/perc and Stephanie Fife/cel and use a Dave Roberts wisdom in selecting the lineup of material. The pair foray back and forth like badminton players on sleek reads of “Devil May Care” and “Things are Swinging” while ooze and coo with a delightful banter as they frolic by the fireside on “You Smell So Good.” With some hip support by Geissman strumming along, the two shake and stir on Winkler’s own clever ode “Like Jazz” and while the two use great and wise restraint on keeping Lou Reed’s “Walk on the Wild Side” on the PG version with lyrics, they use harmonies and let the musicians delve into some moods that need accompaniment by an adult.

The two also take some time going solo, with Cheryl getting intimate with Geissman on a Spartan “The Gentleman Is A Dope” and “Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most, while Mark lets the guitarist go Wes, young man, on “I Could Get Used to This (Bumpin’).”

The two reunite and get back together with a deeply emotive “The Ballad of the Sad Young Men/The Lies of Handsome Men” that is as riveting in its loneliness as Johnny Hartman’s take of “Lush Life.” This two know their strengths, use them like crafty relief pitchers, and can close any game with aplomb. Check this musical version of Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 out!

They’re hitting LA soon. Check the schedule at

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