Jonathan Barber: Vision Ahead

Drummer Jonathan Barber walks the tightrope between post bop music and upbeat gospel messages on this thematic album. The ten songs are bookended by Barber’s drum work serving as an intro and closing recitative creating a wholistic feel to the music. Vocals by Denise Renee and Sasha Foster add fervent moods and messages to the driving “Vision Ahead,” encouraging “Airport” and reflective “Time Will Tell” while longing themes delivered by Andrew Renfroe/g and Taber Gable/p-key create thoughtful moods on “The Covenant.” Godwin  Louis’ alto teams with Barber’s funky backbeat with the high hat during “Think On These Things” while Matt Dwonszyk’s bass lays down a line with Barber to form a rich stamped on “Mr. JB.” The mix of message and energy is inspiring here. Get this guy to LA for a gig!

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