Jaqueline Tabor wears a series of different gowns provided by the seamless support of Greg Feingold/b, Max Holmberg/dr and Cole Schuster/g. The material is mostly standard patterns, but the wardrobe is well worn as she gets coy with the trio on “Tight” and wears a tight fitting ensemble with a rich vibrato for a rich “On Green Dolphin Street” and sighs with her evening outfit on a subdued “Mood Indigo.” She also dresses tight and sassy as she lays down the law with the team for a shuffling title track. Tabor keeps things interesting as she takes off a few layers and bares her shoulders with only bass support on a cozy “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love” and glistens with a sheer outfit supplied by only Schuster’s strings on a warm “Crazy He Calls Me” while showing her muscles in more assertive skins as she holds her own with Holmberg’s drums on the duet of “Caravan.” On each musical suit, she wears it well.