Artur Menezes: Keep Pushing

Grizzly voiced singer and guitarist Artur Menezes mixes jazz, blues and metal on this rich session with Daniel Aged/b, Gary Novak/dr, Carey Frank/B3-key, Jamelle Adisa/tp and Dan Boisey/sax on a collection of rhythmic originals.

The team makes for some sleek jazz grooves as Frank’s Hammond teams with some Wes-styled picking on a swinging “Love ‘n’ Roll” and Adisa’s horn blows smoke on “Can’t Get You Out of My Mind.” Warm blues waft on “Any Day, Any Time” and the band shows how to boogie with the best on the chunky “Keep Pushing” while Menezes takes the team to Chicago for a gritty shouter on “Give My Money Back.” Heavy metal sears on a hard hitting Zeppelin-inspired “Come With Me” and “Pull It Through” before the rhythm team rumbles to a close on “Till the Day I Die.” Shades of blue hues on this street smart album.


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