Kat Riggins: In the Boys’ Club

Kat Riggins sings like the type of lady you want if you’re stuck in a fox hole. Strong, courageous and earthy, she belts it out here on her own material with a sweaty team of Darrell Rains/g-key, Geroge Caldwell/b, Johnnie Hicks/dr and guests Josh Rowand/g, Albert Castiglia/g-voc and Clay Goldstein/harp. She’s got dirt under her nails as she is gritty as all get out on pieces like “Try Try Again” and stomps with defiance with STAXY material such as “Second to None” and the low ceiling’d “Don’t Throw Me Away.” The rhythm team lays down boogie shuffles like they were weaned on Kansas City BBQ on “Cheat Or Lose” and “Kitty Won’t Scratch.” Riggins may snarl like a guard dog, but she gives a testimony to her life at the close of the album before she sears into the bluesy title track. When’s she gonna hit LA and slap us on the head?


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