Sara Serpa: Close Up

Vocalist Sara Serpa creates a rich assortment of abstract moods on this trio date with Ingrid Laubrock/ts-ss and Erik Friedlander/cel. She sings in English, Portuguese and wordlessly, weaving between abstractions with soprano sax on the pulsating “Object” or brooding with cello and sighing tenor on the Brazilian “Passaros.” Things get a bit artsy as Laubrock does some reed sucking and Friedlander picks out a pizzicato melody on the fragrant and dreamy “Sol Enganador” while she is stark and melancholy as the tenor sax huffs on the dreary repetition of the phrase “The future is dark” on “The Future.” Loneliness and dark hues dominate as on the foggy saxed “Storm Coming” and English recitative of “Woman.” A sonic Hound of the Baskervilles?

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