Ally Venable Band: Puppet Show

Guitarist and vocalist Ally Venable leads a blues rocking trio along with Elijah Owings/dr and Bobby Wallace/b through her own earthy compositions. Her voice is strong and defiant while her  picking mixes clean lines with youthful energy. Her voice agonizes on bluesers like “Comfort in My Sorrows” while sounding back porch cozy as she picks and grins with harpist Steve Krase on “Backwater Blues.” Gary Hoey’s guitar adds extra howls on “Devil’s Son” while Lance Lopez’s axe teams with Owings heavy hitting to add thunder to “Bridges to Burn.” Venable stomps with declaration with Eric Stekel’s keyboard on the title track as her guitar displays sighs of loneliness, while rocking steady on “He Caught The Katy.” Through it all, her voice and guitar display a Lone Star state charm and dialect, adding to the rural allure of a juke joint on Highway 40.

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