Clemens Grassmann: Labyrinths and Tales

Clemens Grassmann plays drums and percussion as he leads a core band of Jonathan Chapman/b, Andrew Marzotta/g, Antoni Vaquer/p and a rotating team of horns, percussion and keys through a collection of his own compositions. The material is quite wide ranging, with some sax and brass work on a lovely orchestral “Coriolis” featuring Alexandre Madeline’s rich tenor sax, and Cosimo Boni’s trumpet searing through a dramatic “Hot Ash”. The band can also get into a rocking Latin mood with thick electric guitar work on “The Mole and the Rat” and with a peppy samba on “La Gatinha.” Through it all, the leader serves as an impressive traffic cop, directing everyone so there are no head on collisions with a variety of grooves. Impressive.


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