Neotolia: Neotolian Song

Hailing from Turkey, vocalist Nazan Nihal and pianist Utar Artun mix traditional sounds and songs with modern shapes and effects. Nihal’s wispy reed of a voice teams with some dreamy piano for a modern  pop feel on “One Upon A Life” which also includes exotic sounds from Bassam Saba’s ney (flute) and Tahir Aydogdu’s qanun (harpsichord). Drum legend Dave Weckl adds a modern groove to the fervently percussion form the Middle East on “Thrill of the Chase” and edgy guitars Dave Fiuczynski brings his fretless axe to add some dark shadows to “Don’t Touch My Sorrowful, Mournful Heart.” Wondrous chanting and violins mix for “I Dried Roses” while wondreful voice and percussion makes for a mix of jazzy blues and Africana o n”Rondo Afro Turca.”  The traditional lyrics make for intriguing thought, while the modern hope for unity and love come at a crossroads in Turkey’s historic path. I wonder how this plays in today’s  Ankara?

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