Jihye Lee Orchestra: April

Berklee School student Jihye Lee brings together a 20 piece orchestra of faculty members for an interpretation of her compositions that reflect the tragedy of the Sewol ferry capsizing and killing more than 300 of its passengers. The six songs are very intricate, thoughtful and stimulating, able to convey multiple moods and essences through sounds and harmonies.

Reed reeds  weave around Alain Mallet’s piano an Shannon LeClaire’s alto like the rising of waves on “April” while John Lockwood’s bass lurks like a foreboding buoy on “Sewol Hol,” with the horn sections crossing each other like white caps. Misty reeds on “Deep Blue See” include Rick DiMuzio’s tenor involved n a cataclysmic climax along with hectic rhythm and muted horns creating a mix of textures on “Whirlwind.” Sean Jones brings his delicate flugelhorn in for the shadowy and sepia sounds of “You Are Here (Every Time I Think Of You)” while noirish harmonies team up with Bruce Bartlet/g and DiMuzio on “Guilty.” The coalescing of moods via ensemble p assages and solos is well crafted, and you feel like you’re on a journey throughout the harrowing album. Intriguing sounds and directions.


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