Mark Whitfield: Grace

Guitarist Mark Grace has carved out an impressive catalogue presenting music ranging from straight ahead material such as True Blue to his soulful Songs of Wonder. This time around he makes his music a family affair by bringing in son Mark Jr on drums and nephew Davis along with “adopted” members Yasush Nakamura on bass and guest vocalist Sy Smith.

The family digs deep into modal moods on the assertive material as elder Mark lays down the lines on “Double Trouble” and “The Socrates Curse.” The youngsters doe some strutting and shuffling on the hip “Blue DA” with some nice p iano and bass work, while the team ascends and descends like a wave on the smooth “Undiscovered.” Smith is sweet and clear on the title track, and the band gets funky on “Fortress” while some Wah Wahing is delivered by the old man on “Pulse Pt 2” to show the kids a bit of 70s soul. Lots to enjoy here, and everyone sounds confident in the family setting.

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