****RINGER OF THE WEEK****Clarice & Sergio Assad: Reliquia

Who says a strong family doesn’t make you a better person? The father-daughter team of Clarice and Sergio Assad, as the movies say, “make beautiful music together” on this collection of gentle Latin and Iberian originals. Dad plays guitar and sings along; daughter sings and  plays along on piano, and the result is a cozy and intimate hour of auditory joy.

Various guests join the family as well. Percusionist Keita Ogawa lends his percussion to Clarice’s husky voice on the sleek groove of “Cidade” and along with Derek Bermei’s clarinet, adds extra depth to her own vocal percussive work on “Artistico.” Lovely pastoral guitar strums are embraced on “Reiquia” and the chiming “The Last Song” while gentle ripples of the piano are caressed on “Ventos.” Sergio’s avuncular voice caresses Andalusian moods with a rich vocal and guitar tone on “Capoeira” and the team sound cozy on the reflective and dream like “Sol de Clave.” This is a disc that only committed families can make; hopefully others less fortunate will understand it.

Adventure Music


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