Mimi Jones: Feet in the Mud

Bassist Mimi Jones mixes trio and quartet pieces on this soulful collection of material with a core team of Jon Cowherd/p-key and Jonathan Barber/dr with guest Samir Zarif/ss joining in now and then. Jones creates some hip CTI easy fusion moods when Cowherd’s Fender Rhodes gets funky on the sleek “Mr. Poo Poo,” “Blackbird” and the suavely mellow “Happy.” The trio glows spaciously when the  piano joins in on “Applause” and is reflective as Jones and Barber create a restless underpath on “Elevate.” Zarif’s soprano creates some post bop sounds with a rich vibrato on “The-Min-Or Way” and a read of the Miles Davis classic “Fall” has a relaxed glide to it. As for Jones, she bounces well on the cozy “Lyman Place” and shows how to swing on “The Grinder.” Richly hued and filled with rewards.


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