Bob Wijnen: NYC Unforeseen

Pianist Bob Wijnen puts together a strong, swinging and lyrical album as he mixes and matches with Peter Bernstein/g, Dezron Douglas/b and Billy Drummond/dr. In quartet form, the material keeps it basic and bopping, delivering Blue Note sounds a la the Messengers on “The Jellyfish Blues” or the mid tempo tappers like “Baby Steps” and “Treehouse.” Bernstein is lithe and lyrical here, producing lovely moments on “Sublime Indifference” and creating crystalline work on a duet the leader on Stevie Wonder’s “If It’s Magic.” Douglas gets the spotlight on a richly rubato’d read of “The Look of Love” that sounds almost liturgical, while the four gents work like stablemates on the incessant intro to the title track or the melodic “Bring It Together.” Heaven for hard boppers.

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