Aruan Ortiz Trio: Hidden Voices

Pianist Aruan Ortiz leads a trio with Eric Revis/b and Gerald Cleaver/dr through a mix of intricate originals and covers. Ortiz displays strong fingers that must have spent multiple hours on exercise books as he builds layers of sounds along with Cleaver’s pitter pattering drums on pieces like “Fractal Sketches.” There is much technical acuity here, with a Morse Code-like message on Ornette Coleman’s  “ Caribbean Vortex/The Hidden Voices” and the bluesy complexity of “Analytical Symmetry.” He spotlights his touch on  “Arabesques of a Geometerical Rose (Spring) and “17 Moments of Liam’s Moments (or 18)” while splashes of keys along with rustling drums create “Joyful Noises.” The team delivers a chaotic read of Thelonious Monk’s “Skippy” and while all of these pieces display amazing physical adroitness, there is something missing in the feel of the heart and soul .

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