Grace Kelly: Trying to Figure It Out

If there was ever an appropriate title for an artist, this one fits Grace Kelly. She’s released albums of straight-ahead jazz as well as ones with pop-oriented vocals. This one straddles the two worlds, as she’s captured in a variety of settings with a rotation of musicians that include Henry Hey/p, Tim Lefebvre/b and Lemar Carter-Steve Hass/dr. She’s still singing, highlighted by a charming duet with Hey on a reflective “Smile” while mixing Asian folk and effects on “By The Grave.” She even gets into the R&B groove on a funky “Blues For Harry Bosch,” and even adds a hip backbeat to the instrumental “Amazing Grace.” She works “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” with a glowing alto and her spicey work on the agitated post modern “He Shot A Man” includes Shayna Steele’s voice. A bit of a buffet feel here,but something worth tasting in each dish.

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