Cat Conner: Cat House

Ah! A woman who sounds like a woman! Cat Conner’s got a warm and husky voice as well as a natural sense of swing. She teams up here with some of LA’s best musicians such as Tom Ranier/p, Joe LaBarbera/dr, John Chiodini/g, and Gene Cipriano/reeds for a cooking session of standards, obscurities and a few surprises. She can get playful as on “Wishing On The Moon” or get a bit feisty with LaBarbera on “What A Little Moonlight Can Do.” A nice little bass groove and oboe help Conner create a sense of mystery on “Sans Souci”, but even better, she shows some moxie by doing a vocal version of Coltrane’s “Giant Steps.” Good call! Her sense of time is perfect on the easy swingers like “Eveything I Love/Everything I Desire,” showing she knows how to work a crowd, a song and an album. You’ll like this lady!

Cat Tales Records

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