“Lucy..you’ve got some ‘splaining to do!”
If you like the Buena Vista Social Club, you’re going to PASS OUT when you find this collection of 14 tunes delivered by the creator of Cuban’s sensuous “Son” music, and brought it to the dancing world. These sessions from the mid 50s feature Abelardo Barroso and his Orchestra Sensacion, and I guarantee that you’ve never heard anything from Cuba this passionate, earthy, sensuous and smoky.
The band is made up of violins and flute that weave in and out of sweaty melodious pieces and are pushed along by a sizzling rhythm section that won’t let go. Barroso sings with a a mix of Jackie Wilson and old world charm, joined on various tunes by a male chorus as well. Old world lilting exudes on ”Triste Lucha” and congas percolate on “La Reina del Guaguanco.” Sweat drips from “Tiene Sabor” and slinky sauntering slithers across the dance floor on “La Hija de Juan Simon.” Drama builds to a climax with strings, piano and voice on”La Mulata Rumbera” and seductive undercurrents permeate on”En Guantanamo.” If you’re looking for the next big thing, try going back half a century!
World Circuit Records