Lynn Bechtold & Jennifer DeVore: Zentripetal

Here’s a clever mix of ideas shared in a duet form by violinist Lynn Bechtold and cellist Jennifer DeVore. They mix elements of modern classical, jazz and even a hint of folk as they take pieces from Villa-Lobos, Schnittke and Gene Pritsker to mix interplay, melody and adventure. The moods range from a dainty and lyrical piece such as “Design Duo” to some slightly eccentric and brooding “Choros” by Villa-Lobos. A Vaughn-Williams hearkening “Gobi Canticle” has some wonderful longing, while some quirky bowing and pizzicato jamming bounces around on “Clubbin.” Some edgy effects are on “Duo Die” while a mix of effects and percussion permeate “Zvrk”. A nice mix of clever and creative.

Composers Concordance Records

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