In the singer/songwriter category, there needs to be a sub-genre called “quirky chicks” people like Sia; you know what I’m talking about. Erin Hall fits into that category. She sings, playes the cello and her has put together a winsome collection of tunes that are infectious, post modern and whimsical.
The arrangements can range from simple Spartan arrangements such as “2 Good 2 B True” with vibes, percussion and melodica or the seriously thoughtful “Chaz” with piano and brushes framing Hall’s deep thoughts. A bit of French pop fluffs up on the title track, and all through the album a pre-Beatle rock feel permeates the songs such as “Bonbons Chocolate” and “Walk of Fame.” She does some anachronistic use of cursing to break the mood, but what do you expect these days? A half point off for that, otherwise quite clever and alluring indie bubblegum.